email: gregdyke@gmail.com
(+44) 7376 924 595
From 2014 to 2016 I was Head of Research and Development at CogniK>, whose main product is a personalised content recommendation engine.
From 2012 to 2014 I was a Post-Doc Researcher within the Labex ASLAN. I was awarded the position to work on a proposal entitled "Temporal Models and Visualisations of Linguistic Production Contexts in Multimodal Interaction".
From 2010 to 2012 I was a Post-Doc Researcher at the Language Technologies Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, working with Carolyn Rosé.
My PhD ([pdf download]) was completed in 2009 at the Ecole des Mines of Saint-Etienne in France, supervised by Jean-Jacques Girardot (computer science) and Kristine Lund (socio-cognitive interaction analysis).
My research interests focus on the double use of technology as a medium for education and collaboration, and as a means to carry out analysis of such settings, particularly in terms of understanding the changing role of context over time. Download my CV.
Research projects and interests
2014 – 2016: Recommender Systems for media contents. How can we characterize media such as TV Shows and Music Videos for recommendation. How can we adapt recommendation algorithms to the constraints of editorial requirements at media companies? How can we deliver the best recommendation experience to our end users?
2012 - Current: Temporal models and visualisations of linguistic production contexts in multimodal interaction. How do past phenomena at different timescales affect the likelihood of occurrence of a particular event? How does the occurrence of a new event modify the current context and result in consequences reaching into the future? The goal of such characterisation is to identify (through quantification and visualisation) the regularities, irregularities and changes which occur in multimodal interactions at various timescales, to draw relations between them, and to submit them for further qualitative investigation.
2010 – Current: Analysing temporal complexity in scripted online discussion. How can analysts rapidly obtain an overview of the unfolding of an interaction over time? How can salient features such as deviance from the norm, or change over time be discovered? How can the role of events within contexts at multiple time scales be understood?
2010 – 2012: Introducing Accountable Talk practices in 9th grade biology classrooms. How can computer-mediated discussion scaffolded by conversational agents improve students’ explanation and reasoning skills? How can conversational agents be designed in a way that does not hamper the natural flow of collaboration while providing support for augmenting discussion productivity?
2011 – 2012: Supporting learning, fun, persistence, and positive interdependence: data-driven development of a physics game for young children. Can socio-emotional growth be encouraged through game mechanics? How can socio-emotional growth in normal children be assessed within and outside of a game?
2008 – Current: Productive multivocality in the analysis of group interactions. How can researchers from different theoretical and methodological backgrounds achieve mutual understanding. Can corpora serve as a boundary object in this process? How can computational models assist in the coordination of analytic representations to support productive multivocality?
2009 – 2010: Predicting learning outcomes from students’ use of programming environments. Can students patterns of usage of programming environments be data-mined to predict their future exam performance?
2006 – 2010: A model for managing and capitalising on the analyses of traces of activity in collaborative interaction. How can analyses of interactions be described so that they can be shared and re-used? How can such a framework inform the design of software to support such analyses?
In Preparation
Dyke, G., Lund, K. (journal article in preparation). A framework for coordinating analytic representations in interaction analysis.
Dyke, G. Lund, K., Girardot, J.-J. (journal article in preparation for resubmission). L’étude des interactions humaines au travers des objets rejouabales.
(book in preparation, publication scheduled for 2013, first author of 2 chapters/co-author of 2 chapters). Productive Multivocality in the Analysis of Group Interactions.
Adamson, D., Dyke, G., Jang, H., & Rosé, C. P. (2014). Towards adapting dynamic collaboration support to student ability level. International Journal of AI in Education, 24(1), 91–121. (pdf preprint draft version)
Dyke, G., Adamson, D., Howley, I., & Rosé, C.P. (2013). Enhancing scientific reasoning and explanation skills with conversational agents. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 6(3), 240-247.
Dyke, G., Lund, K., & Girardot, J.-J. (2010). Tatiana : un environnement d’aide à l’analyse de traces d’interactions humaines. Technique et Science Informatiques, 29(10), 1179-1205. (pdf draft version)
Book Chapters
Dyke, G., Lund, K., Suthers, D. D., & Teplovs, C. (in press). Analytic representations and affordances for productive multivocality. In D. D. Suthers, K. Lund, C. P. Rosé, C. Teplovs & N. Law (Eds.), Productive Multivocality in the Analysis of Group Interactions. New York: Springer.
Dyke, G., Howley, I., Adamson, D., Kumar, R., & Rosé C. P. (in press). Towards Academically Productive Talk Supported by Conversational Agents. In D. D. Suthers, K. Lund, C. P. Rosé, C. Teplovs & N. Law (Eds.), Productive Multivocality in the Analysis of Group Interactions. New York: Springer.
Howley, I., Kumar, R., Mayfield, E., Dyke, G., & Rosé C. P. (in press). Gaining Insights from Sociolinguistic Style Analysis for Redesign of Conversational Agent Based Support for Collaborative Learning. In D. D. Suthers, K. Lund, C. P. Rosé, C. Teplovs & N. Law (Eds.), Productive Multivocality in the Analysis of Group Interactions. New York: Springer.
Goggins, S., & Dyke, G.(in press). Network Analytic Techniques for Online Chat. In D. D. Suthers, K. Lund, C. P. Rosé, C. Teplovs & N. Law (Eds.), Productive Multivocality in the Analysis of Group Interactions. New York: Springer.
Reffay, C., Dyke, G., Betbeder, M.-L., (2011) Data sharing in CSCR: towards in-depth long term collaboration. In Juan, A., Daradoumis, T., Roca, M., Grasman, S., Faulin., J (eds.) Collaborative and Distributed E-Research: Innovations in Technologies, Strategies and Applications, IGI Global, 111–134.
Dyke, G., & Lund, K. (2013). Student Strategies for Collaborative Note-Taking and the Influence of Floor-Control. Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL 2013, Vol. II, pp. 18-21), Madison. (pdf draft)
Clarke, S., Chen, G., Stainton, K., Katz, S., Greeno, J., Resnick, L., Howley, H., Adamson, D., Dyke, G., & Rose, C. P. (2013). The Impact of CSCL Beyond the Online Environment. Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL 2013), Madison, 105-112. (pdf draft)
Dyke, G., Adamson, D., Howley, I., & Rosé, C. (2012) Towards Academically Productive Talk Supported by Conversational Agents. Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS 2012), Chania, Greece. (pdf draft)
Howley, I., Adamson, D., Dyke, G., Mayfield, E., Beuth, J., & Rosé, C.P. (2012). Group composition and intelligent dialogue tutors for impacting students’ self-efficacy. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, 551-556.
Dyke, G., Kumar, R., Ai, H., & Rosé, C. P. (2012) Challenging Assumptions: using sliding window visualizations to reveal time-based irregularities in CSCL processes. International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2012), Sydney, 363—370. (pdf draft) Nominated for best paper (5 finalists)
Dyke, G., Lund, K., Jeong, H., Medina R., Suthers, D. D., van Aalst, J., Chen, W., & Looi, C.-K. (2011) Technological affordances for productive multivocality in analysis. Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL 2011), Hong Kong, 454—461. (pdf draft)
Suthers, D. D., Lund, K., Rosé, C., Dyke, G., Law, N., Teplovs, C., et al. (2011). Towards productive multivocality in the analysis of collaborative learning. Symposium at CSCL 2011, Hong Kong. (pdf draft)
Dyke, G. (2011). Which Aspects of Novice Programmers’ Usage of an IDE Predict Learning Outcomes? ACM SIGCSE 2009 Dallas. (pre-print draft)
Dyke, G., Lund, K., & Girardot, J.-J. (2009). Tatiana: an environment to support the CSCL analysis process. CSCL 2009, Rhodes, Greece,58—67. (pdf) Awarded Best Student Paper
Dyke, G., Beigbeder, M., Lund, K., & Girardot, J.-J. (2009). Les Traces d'interactions humaines : un nouveau domaine d'application pour la RI. In Actes de la sixième conférence francophone en recherche d'information et applications, pages 397-408, 5-7 mai 2009, Hyères, France. (pdf)
Lund, K., Dyke, G., & Girardot, J.-J. (2009). Multimodal reformulation during shared synchronous note-taking and its potential pedagogical consequences for teachers and students. EPAL 2009, Grenoble, France.
Lund, K., van Diggelen, W., Dyke, G., Overdijk, M., Girardot, J.J., & Corbel, A (2008). A researcher perspective on the analysis and presentation of interaction log files from CSCL situations within the LEAD project. ICLS 2008, Utrecht, The Netherlands. (pdf)
Dyke, G., & Lund, K. (2007). Implications d'un modèle de coopération pour la conception d'outils collaboratifs [Implications of a cooperative model for the design of collaborative tools], EPAL, 6-8 Juin, Grenoble, France. (pdf)
Posters and abstracts
Dyke, G., Adamson, D. (2013). Conversational Agents for Promoting Productive Classroom Talk. the 2013 Biannual Meeting of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Munich.
Dyke, G. & Lund, K. (2013). Turn-taking affordances and collaboration strategies for note-taking in a shared text editor. Symposium presentation at the 2013 Biannual Meeting of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Munich.
Dyke, G., Goggins, S., Mayfield, E., & Rose, C.P. (2013). Comparison of Network Heuristics for Understanding Small Groups in Synchronous Online Learning. Proceedings of Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK 2013), Leuven. (pdf draft)
Dyke, G. (2013). Temporalité et contexte en EIAH collaboratif : pistes de stratégies de participation pour des agents conversationnels. EIAH 2013.
Dyke, G. (2010). Quels indicateurs pour l'utilisation en binôme d'un environnement de développement intégré ? RJC EIAH 2010, Lyon. (pdf)
Dyke, G., Lund, K., & Girardot, J.-J. (2009). Un outil flexible pour l'analyse de traces - Gestion, synchronisation, visualisation, analyse et partage de corpus d'interactions médiatisées par ordinateur avec Tatiana. Atelier ICT 2009, Caen, France. (pdf)
Dyke, G., Lund, K., & Girardot, J.-J. (2009). La visualisation au service de l'analyse d'interactions. EIAH 2009, le Mans, France. (pdf)
Dyke, G., Girardot, J.-J., Lund, K., & Corbel, A (2007). Analysing Face to Face Computer-mediated Interactions, EARLI '07, Budapest, Hungary.(pdf)
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